Puppies are here! :)
Puppies are here! :)
We hope you enjoy this lovely holiday season!
DJ finished his AKC Championship with Major Points (all his AKC CH points are majors) Best puppy in show - Winners dog and Award of Merit at the WCA 2023 - Best of Winners - Best in Sweeps at the WAC 2023 - Best of Breed at the WAC Regional Specialty 2024
We love talking about weimaraners, so feel free to call us or send us an email to giselatundis@yahoo.com for an appointment.
We promise to treat you with the honesty and respect you deserve. We pride ourselves on the quality of our dogs and we want owners to feel the same pride when spending time with your weim. We hope you will be a part of our family for many years to come.
In the pic our daughter Uma in 2006. Uma learned to walk with one of our girls. :)